Saturday, February 29, 2020

Case summary and examination of Obstetrics Posting

Case summary and examination of Obstetrics Posting Madam NTR is a 34 years old Malay lady with gravida 4 and parity 3, currently at 37 weeks of gestations. She was admitted on 21st Nov 2010 at gestational age of 30 weeks and 1 day, due to referral from Health Clinic Sendayan in view of placenta previa based on ultrasound findings during a routine antenatal visit. Her estimated date of delivery was on 20th Jan 2011. She was asymptomatic with no complaints of per vaginal bleeding, contraction pain, leaking liquor or show. Fetal movements were felt and were not reduced. She has no history of placenta previa in her previous pregnancies. The first day of her last normal menstrual period was on 15th Apr 2010. This was an unexpected pregnancy but both her and her husband wanted it. She suspected she was pregnant when she missed her menses for 4 weeks. She confirmed her pregnancy after urine pregnancy test done in a private clinic yielded positive result. Booking was done in Maternal and Child Health Clinic Gadong at 16 weeks of gestation a nd the dating scan at 16 weeks revealed parameters corresponding to date. However, placenta was noted to be low lying during that scan. Throughout her routine antenatal visits, she was normotensive, not anaemic and did not have diabetes mellitus. HIV and VDRL test were negative. Her blood group type is O Rh DÂ  positive. This is her fourth pregnancy. Her third pregnancy was in the year of 2007. She delivered a full term baby boy with birth weight of 2.6 kg via caesarean delivery due to breech presentation in Hospital Tuanku Jaafar Seremban. She delivered her first two children who are both males in the year of 2004 and 2005 via spontaneous vaginal delivery, with birth weight of 4.26kg and 2.6kg respectively. There was no history of shoulder dystocia. All her children were born alive and well. Antenatal, natal and postnatal for all previous pregnancies were uneventful. She attained menarche at the age of 12. It is regular at 28 to 30 days cycle with duration of 5 to 7 days. There wa s neither dysmenorrhea nor menorrhagia. She practised coitus interuptus as contraceptive measure. She never had any PAP smear done previously. Past surgical, medical and drug history were unremarkable. Family history was unremarkable. She and her husband are married for 7 years. They are staying together with their three children in Gadong Jaya Village. She is a housewife. She neither smokes nor drinks alcohol. On the other hand, her husband works as a construction worker. He is a smoker but not alcoholic. Family income is approximately RM2000 per month which is barely adequate for their living. Physical examination: Madam NTR was alert, conscious and communicative. She was not in pain or respiratory distress. Her height and weight are 165cm and 76kg respectively. Her blood pressure was 110/80 mmHg; pulse rate was 86 beats per minute of regular rhythm and strong volume; temperature was 37Â ° C; respiratory rate was 19 breaths per minute. All vital signs were within normal range. Up on general examination, there was no conjunctival pallor, sclera jaundice, palmar erythema or peripheral cyanosis. Thyroid glands were not palpable and breast examination was unremarkable. There was bilateral pedal edema up to mid-shin. Cardiopulmonary examination was unremarkable.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Role and Functions of Law Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Role and Functions of Law Paper - Essay Example Secondly, the authority of the arms of government is enhanced thus encouraging personal freedom. Thirdly, laws help to attain the set standards and accomplish the expectations of a society. Fourth, laws enhance economic growth by ensuring a free and fair business competition. Laws promote social justice by offering ways and means of resolving conflicts. In the absence of the legislation and courts to govern the behavior of people, the result would be a chaotic society and therefore lead to a decline in business services rendered in a society (Bushman, 2007). The Federal court structure and the Michigan state court have similarities in the fact that the due process is the same whereby the court informs the defendant of his rights and allows them to access to a lawyer. In addition, the court proceedings, the sentencing, and the appealing process are similar where the defendant will listen to the sentence and have a chance to address the court. However, there are some differences in the sense that the federal courts have a limited jurisdiction while the Michigan state court has a general jurisdiction. Limited jurisdiction means that the court van only hear certain cases while in general jurisdiction a judge can listen to all cases ranging from violation of law to family disputes. Judicial review is a type of court proceeding whereby a judge reviews the decision or actions made by the government or by a public body to ascertain whether they are in line with the rules and regulations prescribed by the constitution (Joshua, 2014). The constitution acts as the supreme law of the land since it defines government functions and fundamental human rights. Therefore, the Supreme Court bears the mandate of reviewing all laws that conflict the constitution. In the absence of the judicial reviews of the decisions and actions of the government and public bodies, the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Role of Universities in Research and Innovation Essay

Role of Universities in Research and Innovation - Essay Example Information on research and innovation is necessary for policymakers so that they may be able to see how they can help the universities to promote their innovation and research in the market. Government support is not enough in most institutions. In most cases, universities collaborate with industries in conducting research. Universities have people, units, and function, which are involved in partnership actions that have an effect on technological and economic development. They do this by licensing and spin-offs. Universities differ in the way they organize their programs or activities so as to foster innovation. Research institutions, majorly in the United States, are more concerned about their societies in the recent past. This is because they represent the inner resources of knowledge in those societies (Amidon, Formica & Mercier-Laurent 2005, p.56). Competency of individuals, knowledge and skills and their application has improved significantly in the economy where these individ uals work. Most countries focus on the development, application, preservation, and discovery of all forms of knowledge and skills. These are the humanistic, scientific, and social knowledge. They therefore assist publicly and privately funded universities. The institutions then appreciate these contributions by appropriately contributing to the development in economy. They enhance knowledge linking activities, which improve technology commercialization, enhance workers’ competency, and assist community and organizational change and increase competency of professionals. He also provide social, economic, and cultural organizational analyses to train and educate individuals and to bring individuals and... This paper stresses that universities are directly involved in state and regional innovation processes in many ways. Development strategy emphasize on improving research institution in low and middle-income perspective and placing them at the inner part of development policies. Commercialization and technology transfer initiatives provides the means in which basic research and its market place meet one another. This is where ideas are converted into products, which then drive the new market and business formation. There are several challenges facing universities that need to be tackled for the institution to remain competitive in knowledge economy. One is to reduce student faculty ratio, this needs a plan on operating funds for new enrollment expansion. This needs expansion of faculties and hiring new staff. Many universities invest financially and politically in the development mechanisms of their firms. This report makes a conclusion that the values, economy, capabilities of a community , competence and orientation of workers must all be transforming and developing continuously across a large range of knowledge, changing technology and global conditions. Research in innovation and technology mobility is on a rising field, and its attractive conditions for learning research attract future academic interests. Efforts to improve long lasting capacity building are under acceleration in almost all growing universities. In conclusion, research and innovation are key aspects of knowledge development.